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Thursday, December 28th 2006, 10:41am

[Kmplayer] User/Password for streams

Hi there !

Is there a way playing streams (http, ftp...) that required a username/password with kmplayer ?
For now, I can't provide these, and so, (k)mplayer fails openning the stream.

I'm not a coder, so I can't provide a working solution. But I think a pop-up dialog asking for a username and password, and returning this to the subsystem (mplayer) would do the work. Even better, providing the user/password by retrieving it from konqueror (just asking, don't fire me :p)...

Is there a way implementing that in some sort of way in kmplayer ?


Thursday, December 28th 2006, 1:53pm

Re: [Kmplayer] User/Password for streams

Does it have to be KMPlayer? I'm asking because KPlayer can do it just fine.

Just make sure you go to the Configure KPlayer dialog first, select the Advanced page and check the FTP and HTTP boxes where it talks about using slaves.

Then when you play a password protected HTTP stream or FTP file, the standard authentication dialog will pop up and let you enter user name and password.


Thursday, December 28th 2006, 4:34pm

Thanks for your answer and tips, I'm just trying kplayer and it's exactly what I was looking for...

On the other hand, il the devs of kmplayer or kaffeine read this, you should try implementing something equivalent... :)



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Friday, December 29th 2006, 9:31am

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