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Sunday, December 24th 2006, 4:59pm

KPDF printing

Several times a day I need to print PDF files, most of which are 100+ pages. I have KPDF 5.2 and Adobe Reader 7.08 on my Ubuntu Dapper and-64 computer.

Adobe Reader prints very quickly, almost at the rated speed of the printer (24 pages per minute). However, it is not CUPS-aware, so its print dialog box is not capable of accessing all the features of the printer. KPDF can access almost all the features of the printer, but it prints extremely slowly. I mean, it prints at 1-2 pages per minute. The quality of the print output is identical.

I would like to use nothing but KPDF because Adobe is probably never going to fix Adobe Reader for Linux. But the print speed makes it useless for me. Does anyone know how KPDF prints a PDF file, that is, why it is so slow?