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Wednesday, December 6th 2006, 3:02pm

ksystraycmd with application link file problem

I'm using Mandriva 2006. Thus, KDE is version 3.4.2

I'm trying the Autostart function to call ksystraycmd in order to run a program and minimize it to the system tray according to this doc:….html#id2560283

The program in question is "VMWare Toolbox", actually.

I've noted that when I reopened the autostart shortcut to see its properties, the "Command" field only shows
--hidden vmware-toolbox
instead of
ksystraycmd --hidden vmware-toolbox

Why is it so? A bug in KDE? Is it corrected in later version of KDE?


This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Horinius" (Jan 18th 2007, 3:52pm)


Thursday, January 18th 2007, 4:19pm

I'm now using Mandriva 2007, thus KDE 3.5.4, and I can still see this problem.

I've done some tests, and it's clear that the problem has nothing to do with Autostart. Thus the change of the post subject.

It's only related to "application link file", ie .desktop files.

And the problem only occurs when the called software is ksystraycmd with "--hidden" as parameter, but not anything else. I repeat, when "ksystraycmd" is used in the "Command" field, eg "ksystraycmd --hidden kwrite", next time when we reopen the properties window of this application link file, ksystraycmd would disappear from the "Command" field. But in fact, it's still there; this can be verified by opening the link file in an editor.

Well, this isn't a big deal, but just quite annoying because users might think they've done mistake and put the command again and thus repeating the executable name.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Horinius" (Oct 27th 2007, 10:50am)


Thursday, January 18th 2007, 7:42pm

try to open the .desktop-file in kwrite and check how the command is entered in that file.

Try changing it to the proper command if it is not correct and check if the .desktop file does behave like you want it to.
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Thursday, January 18th 2007, 9:33pm

Yes, I had opened the .desktop file inside kwrite to check it. That's why I'm so sure about this problem.

As a matter of fact, the line beginning with exec= contains exactly what I've written, ie:
ksystraycmd --hidden kwrite

That's why I find it very bothering and disturbing!


Saturday, October 27th 2007, 10:48am

I'm now using KDE 3.5.6 inside Mandriva 2007 Spring and the problem is still perfectly reproducible.

It's become quite serious in addition to annoying.