You excuse me for the question (probably) not clear, I am a beginner
This is the problem:
I would want to insert in automatic way (by means of one script) a button in the panelmenu (kicher). The button is a menu with its items that is link to some applications.
I have proceeded as it follows:
a) I have created directory MyFolder in /home/ <user>/.kde/share/applnk/
b) I have created directory MyFolder in /home/ <user>/.kde/share/apps/
c) I have created and installed image png for MyFolder in /home/ <user>/.kde/share/apps/MyFolder/
d) I have created the file .directory and installed in /home/ <user>/.kde/share/applnk/MyFolder
After I create the items of menu, as an example
e) I have created and installed the rows item1.desktop in /home/ <user>/.kde/share/applnk/MyFolder/
If I execute the script all works correctly, that is the menu it comes created in fact appears in the KMenueditor, but it does not appear in the panel.
How I make to make automatically to appear the meu created in the panel kicker?
Someone can help me?