HI folks.
this is not some king of typical matter. it is a complain, suggestion or enhancement request in rendering engine of konqurer the officail browser of KDE to display
Nastaleeq True Type Fonts correctly.
Actually it is a new Nastaleeq font
(Pak Nastaleeq) which is still in development. It is displayed on windows platform correctly but in Linux (Ubunut and Kubutu) it is creating problem. the snapshots for
gnome( Ubuntu) and
KDE (kubuntu) are here. and a snapshot of same blog on windows plate form is
Now the problem is this the rendering engines at Linux are not working upto the requirements of the font. is it possible to make changes in engines as per requirements. the technical aspects can be discussed also and guidance about requirements can be given by the developer itself.
so what you say folks is it an aspect that can be discussed here?? or it should be discussed on each distro's forum or with the develpor of Konqrer??
plz guide me in any case.