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Wednesday, November 22nd 2006, 9:59am

KMail and DCOP

Hi there,
I need help in using kmail and dcop to send emails with an attachment.
I have Qt 3.3.7 KDE 3.5.5. and KMAil 1.9.5 on debian 'testing'.
The following code returns without error, sends the email OK but not the attachment.
Someone out there who can help me with this?
Thanks a lot

KMAIL="kmail MailTransportServiceIface"
SUBJECT="Hey look at me "
MESSAGE="This script"
ATTACHMENT="'[' ']'"
dcop kmail MailTransportServiceIface "sendMessage(QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, KURL::List)" "$FROM" "$TO" "$CC" "$BCC" "$SUBJECT" "$MESSAGE" \[ /home/me/info.pdf \]
echo $?