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  • "amiliv" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Winnipeg

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Monday, October 30th 2006, 4:02pm

Couple of questions about KMail


I've just started checking out KMail. While I liked some features, there were some things I wasn't able to figure out...

Do note that I use CentOS 4 (aka RHEL4) default installation. That is KDE 3.3.1 and Kmail 1.7.1. If some of this stuff is fixed in current version of KMail, just let me know "fixed in current version".

So here's the things I had grief with. In no particular order.


Is it possible not to use trash folder? I'm IMAP user and would really like to simply mark emails as deleted, and later expunge (purge/compact) them. The IMAP way. I don't want to move garbage around (the POP3 way). With this comes the toggle to show/hide deleted emails, which I don't see anywhere.


I've couple of folders that don't have "parents". For example, let say my folder list on Cyrus looks like:


This confuses KMail totally. It doesn't let me access, unless I manually create Not a big deal for my personal folders, annoying but fixable. However with shared folders (where I might not hove access to otherwise existing parent folder) this is a big problem. It is completely legal (and expected) that owner of a shared folder doesn't want to give me access to parent folder. For example, accessing shared folders:

something <- no access to this (no permission, or doesn't exist)
something.shared <- I should have access to this

Another example would be folder belonging to another user that he shared with me (but for obvious reasons he doesn't want to give me access to his INBOX):

user.someuser <- I don't have access to this (other user's INBOX)
user.somesuer.sharedfolder <- but he gave me access to this

Most other IMAP clients don't have problems with "missing" folders in the path (actually the only other IMAP client I used in the past that has trouble with this is Outlook, but Outlook is an totally broken application anyway).


If I use "offline" type of IMAP account, is it possible to instruct KMail to download messages without attachments? When working offline, I'd like to be able to read my email, but I don't really care if I can't access an attachment. It would save a lot of space on my old laptop's harddrive (4GB, only around 100MB free space currently). It would also make synchronization over slow connections when I'm on the road much faster. For example, if there's no wireless, only dialup, and somebody just sent me 20MB attachment.


Again attachments. Is there a way to instruct KMail to remove attachments from selected emails on the IMAP server? Sometimes, I'd like to keep email for a reference, but I don't really need that 10MB attachment.


Well, those were the things that gave me most grief while trying to use KMail. If it's possible to configure KMail to do some of the above stuff, it would be great.

Thanks for any answers,