Hi.. I'm running slackware 10.2 kernel 2.6.13 and kde3.4.2
Iv'e installed a precompiled package for my distro of kopete 0.12.2, but
when I run 'kopete' it returns this msg:
kopete: symbol lookup error: /opt/kde/lib/libkopete.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit13focusOutEventEP11QFocusEvent
then, I've donwloaded the source tarball of the same kopete, and did the
configure and make procedure.. *with no problem nor error message
in both of such actions*
..but, the check install app (kind of 'package-maker' that uses the make install routine) returns a large list of errors --that I forgot to copy. :-|
so, I've tryied to trigger the recently compiled copete from its actual location (without installing), and the error message was..
..exactly the same as the binary package returns -the one above.
any idea of what's going on?
thanks in advance.