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  • "jucato" started this thread

Posts: 155

Location: Philippines

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Saturday, August 19th 2006, 3:33pm

[Konqueror] Make Konqueror use web site's font color settings?

Is there a way to force/make Konqueror use a web site's font color settings instead of the standard text color in the KControl?

I'm trying to use/make a color scheme that uses a light standard text color. However, there are some web pages that have a light background in their text input fields (for example, the search box and reply box in ). So if I set my standard text color to white, I can no longer see the text I'm typing.

I believe Firefox has an option that allows the website to override Firefox font settings. Does Konqueror have this?
OS: Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) | KDE 3.5.3
Computer Specs: AMD Sempron 2200 1.5Ghz | VIA KM266 Pro 8235 chipset | nVidia GeForce MX 4000 128MB DDR-RAM 32-bit AGP 8x



Posts: 948

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Sunday, August 20th 2006, 8:30am

RE: [Konqueror] Make Konqueror use web site's font color settings?

You should use a custom stylesheet (which you can set in Konqueror->Settings->Configure Konqueror->Style Sheets).
Quanta is an excellent tool to create such a style sheet.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (



  • "jucato" started this thread

Posts: 155

Location: Philippines

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Sunday, August 20th 2006, 1:59pm

Would that mean that I have to make a custom style sheet? won't that overwrite the website's own CSS? Does it also mean that I have to create a style sheet for each web page whose font settings I want to be followed?
OS: Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) | KDE 3.5.3
Computer Specs: AMD Sempron 2200 1.5Ghz | VIA KM266 Pro 8235 chipset | nVidia GeForce MX 4000 128MB DDR-RAM 32-bit AGP 8x