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Exposé for desktops
With XGL and compiz and what have you not, how about Exposé for the virtual desktops?
In "normal" mode you'd hit a button and it zooms out and shows you your virtual desktops side by side. In "XGL" mode it unwraps the cube, showing you the 6 desktops.
Would help to give you an overview when using multiple desktops.
If you're looking for a non-XGL Expose-like app in KDE, there's
Kompose. You can group the windows per virtual desktop.
OS: Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) | KDE 3.5.3
Computer Specs: AMD Sempron 2200 1.5Ghz | VIA KM266 Pro 8235 chipset | nVidia GeForce MX 4000 128MB DDR-RAM 32-bit AGP 8x