I'm seriously new at this whole Linux thing and has taken me forever to get Gentoo installed, but managed that eventually. Then i installed X11. Then i first emerged kdebase, then kdenetwork, then decided to emerge the whole kde. (Thank goodness for bandwidth)
Ok, now after Gentoo boots, i use the command 'startx' which works 100%, then i use the command 'startkde' which gets kde up & running. Sweet, no problems there... However, that task bar at the bottom of the desktop, is just not there, unless i go to X and there it is, at the bottom of the screen, but cant get it to sit on the kde desktop. The other thing is how do i get kde to start automatically? I mean, so i just need to login at kde and not in the command line? The last issue i have, is that i can't browse the web, even though i put in the proxy details. Strange that i can use the command line to emerge or use links2 100%
Someone's help will be REALLY appreciated!!!
p.s. what else would i need to do to make sure i'm getting everything out of kde.