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  • "LuckyStill" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: California

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Saturday, July 8th 2006, 9:25am

Konqueror Home Button

Looking through some previous threads, there seem to be some people like me who would like a separate home button configuration for the web browser and the file manager.

There are a handful of work-arounds. For example, I have saved desired web home page as the default URL in my Web Browsing profile. Additionally, I use the bookmark toolbar with a button for my preferred page (i.e., my desired home page) in addition to other frequently visited sites. Simply put, however, I think that having the option to set the default home page separately for web browsing and file manager profiles would be nice instead of a single default for both.

OT: Seeing something like Konqueror Flash Plugin like I saw at KDE-Apps already included as part of KDE's Konqueror would also be nice. In another thread, someone asked about having a centralized site for Konqueror extensions similar to Firefox. One of the cool things about Firefox extensions is that they are installed into the user's account profile vice system wide. I suppose it depends upon your perspective as to whether or not that's cool. Anyway, I think that would be a nice idea to be able to download extensions into the user's specific profile instead of having to recompile KDE system wide.

Other than that, Konqueror for KDE 3.5 kicks some serious tail these days! The Ad-block feature of Konqueror is SWEET ;)

Great job to the developers!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "LuckyStill" (Jul 8th 2006, 3:34pm)