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Tuesday, June 20th 2006, 10:01am

[kopete] what is the group "Not in your contact list"?


I work on Mandriva 2006/ KDE 3.4 and I usually use Kopete for MSN.
I have noticed that some contacts who have been deleted but not blocked, sometimes appear in a group "Not in your contact list". What does that means? Is it there to show me the person that see me?
And can I delete this group? Finally, I don't want to see some contact I have deleted and it will be interesting to know if it is possible that this group don't "activate" itself each time somebody I don't want to see, look at my state...

Thank you :-)

P.S. : If someone that is not in my contacts list is unseeable (in french it's "invisible"), will he be in the "not in your contact list" group?