Hi. I had this problem on Mandriva 2005 and now 2006. I select Firefox as the default browser using KDE >Components >Component Chooser. When I click on a web link in any application other than Adobe (which controls its own browser setting), a copy of the web page is downloaded and the copy is opened in firefox.
If I make no such selection, the link opens the web page in Konqueror as one would expect. I have installed firefox from the Mozilla foundation and OpenOffice from OpenOffice.org. It is the use of links in OpenOffice documents which is the main concern.
Does anyone know of a way to fix this problem?
EDIT: I should, perhaps, delete this but it may be of interest to someone. A respondent on another forum pointed me to
this link. In my case, I simply had to add the string %u to the command registered in file associations. That string evidently tells Konqueror that the command is capable of opening the link.