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  • "shame" started this thread

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Tuesday, May 30th 2006, 3:34am

Editing kmenu...

Although I've used kde on a few different distros, I've never messed with kmenu in any way until now.
I've made a few custom entries and submenus in kmenu to organise particular apps and groups of apps in a way the suits me better.
However, when I open kmenu, all the seperators are gone and all the entries I added are in a completely different order to how I want them. This also goes for if I add any of my custom submenus to the panel.
So basically it is a waste of time me trying to reorganise the menus if I can't have them how I want and I'm still left hunting through the menu for a particular app.
It seems the menu editor is only any good for adding or removing entries.
Is this how it's supposed to work?

Suse 10.1 and kde 3.5.2 Level "a"
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