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  • "mdmasters" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Daytona Beach, Florida

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Thursday, May 18th 2006, 12:50pm

Desktop links to web pages broken after upgrade to 3.5.2

I am running SUSE 10.0, and I recently upgraded to KDE 3.5.2. I have Konquerer set as my default KDE browser.

I have a number of desktop icons that are shortcuts to web pages that are located on the public Internet. I used to be able to click those links and go right to the web page. Now, when I click those links, a file copy dialog pops up showing that the web page is being copied to something like /var/tmp/kdecache-mdmasters/krun/6758.0, and when the copy is complete, the page is displayed from this cached location. The page is only partially displayed because the many items that exist outside of that html file (i.e. jpgs) are not available in the cache and thus they are not displayed. In cases where my desktop link points to a .php page, the copy takes place and then the source code for the page is displayed instead of the actual page which is absolutely useless. Also, I use the news feed on the summary page of Kontact, and the same thing happens when I click the links to news articles. I tried turning off the Konquerer cache, but it did not help. I can find no settings that deal with this.

This is a rediculous way to handle web page links. Can someone help me to fix it? Thanks

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "mdmasters" (May 19th 2006, 1:40pm)