I still have a lot of trouble with KDE. Since today, all the settings that were accessible via kcontrol or Konqueror have desapeared. There is just an icon folder named "network" in Kcontrol which is empty.
The Icons, (konqueror, terminal,... ), that were accessible on the kicker toolbar for an easy access are gone. All applications that were accessible via the kde menu button (bottom left) are gone.
If I open konqueror and choose "settings", then it is now empty but was not yesterday. Lots of Applications are gone too.
I really don't know what happened.
I think I would like to uninstall everything and try to reinstall later, I had to much troubles: koffice and kdepim3 doesn't build, Kstart doesn't work, can't logout from session, klauncher can't be contacted,...
I don't know how to uninstall KDE and all the dependencies. Can someone give me some advices please?
Thank you for any help,
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "kankei71" (May 26th 2006, 5:26pm)