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Saturday, May 6th 2006, 6:28pm

Tops of Icons cut off?

Plz help me if you can. Whenever i use Konqueror in File Manager mode the tops of the icons are cut off like they are hidden under the toolbars or something. Anyone know how to fix this plz? Its really buggin me.



Posts: 948

Location: Eindhoven

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Saturday, May 6th 2006, 7:14pm

RE: Tops of Icons cut off?

1. Screenshot would be helpful
2. Bugs should be reported at , there the KDE developers won't forget about your bug.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (


Saturday, May 6th 2006, 7:16pm

Nevermind i figured it out. It has somethin to do with the Baghira Tabs Configuration its in the BAB thingy.