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[Kopete] How to block users ?
I'm using Kopete 0.11.1 (with KDE 3.5.1), and I can't find the option for blocking users. I don't know how to block users from my contact list (and I remember this option was available on previous versions), but I'm more interested in blocking random users - from time to time I get ICQ spam and I'm interested in blocking the UINs that generate them, but there is no "block" option in the chat window and the user is not in my contact list.
Is blocking at all available in 0.11 ?
RE: [Kopete] How to block users ?
As far as I could see, you can only block MSN users by right clicking the butterfly icon of a contact.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (
RE: [Kopete] How to block users ?
Ok. it would be nice if this could be implemented to all other protocols that support blocking (such as ICQ), but the real question remains - how do I block a user that is not in my contact list ?
(for the sake of the argument, regardless of a protocol implementation being able to support this)
RE: [Kopete] How to block users ?
you don't. it hasn't been implemented yet.
RE: [Kopete] How to block users ?
The MSN protocol has that implemented. So I can block MSN users, but I must have them on my contact list so I can right click the protocol icon and choose "block". How do I do that for people not in my contact list ?
RE: [Kopete] How to block users ?
See mattr's post, he has already answered your question.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (
Blocking random ICQ users that are not in the contact list would indeed be a nice feature, as Kopete is really nice, but the spam is getting on one's nerves...
I get lots of spam in ICQ disguised as requests for authorization (to add me to their lists) and I don't know of any client that has the ability to block the spams. I am told that the API for ICQ does not provide for blocking these requests, but I wonder if perhaps a client could be made to block any AUTH request that contains a URL. Most of these spams contain a URL.
I have tried Kopete and Gaim but I can't stop the spam.
Jabber: pollywog at jabber dot org