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Tuesday, February 7th 2006, 12:02pm

How do I make the languages and localisations settings available

I want to change the language in KDE from English to French. In Suse I go to Yast and install the language and the KDE control panel and then select from the installed languages.

But in the test distro I am running at the mo there is no way of using something like yast so, how do I make the languages available to KDE in that case.

What files do I need to edit and what files do I need to move etc.



Wednesday, February 8th 2006, 8:31am

In your KDE Control Center -> Regional Settings and Accessibility you can edit all the language settings and keyboard layout.
Also, make sure that the package kde-i18n which is implementing the language settings is installed on your system.

[off]Si tu as des problèmes pour trouver, mentionne ta distro[/off]


Thursday, February 9th 2006, 9:08am


In your KDE Control Center -> Regional Settings and Accessibility you can edit all the language settings and keyboard layout.
Also, make sure that the package kde-i18n which is implementing the language settings is installed on your system.

I have the language files here /usr/share/i18n/ and in SuSE I have to install the languages through YaST, how can I do this manually so that they are available in KDE Control Center -> Regional Settings and Accessibility when I am using a home made distro. Is there a configuration file somewhere.

If I go into the KDE Control Center -> Regional Settings and Accessibility there is only English language available but in the i18n directory there are many locales.


Thursday, February 9th 2006, 10:03am

These packages in the /usr/share/i18n folder are system and x-server locales for console-fonts, keyboard mappings and so on.
Kde has its own internationalisation packages. You need to install the kde-i18n-3.x.x packages in order to have the languages available in the control-center.

Depending on the tools included in your "home made distribution", you may have some additional settings to respect.
On my gentoo for example, I have to set the Use flags and Linguas variable first. If you've built your distro your own (kinda like LFS or such), you probably need to pass these informations to your ./configure script before compiling the package.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "coco-loco" (Feb 9th 2006, 10:04am)


Thursday, February 9th 2006, 3:42pm

Hi Thanks for all your help so far,


You need to install the kde-i18n-3.x.x packages in order to have the languages available in the control-center.

Where are this files then placed so that the control center can read them as I may just try a slackware/debian pre-compiled version to see if that works.


Thursday, February 9th 2006, 3:56pm

They're spread all over your kde folders, since every kde-application has it's translations for each language. Installing the kde-i18n package provides these translations for all the apps.