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Friday, January 27th 2006, 5:50am

Kword, Kivio together?

I have been using since forever. However, I need a flowchart type application for my Ubuntu-64 Breezy laptop. Everyone recommends Kivio, so I installed it. Then I went ahead and installed the whole suite. A couple questions immediately arose:

1) I note that I can get a Kivio-like frame in the middle of a Kword document. But I can't figure out if it's part of the Kword document, or did it just pop up Kivio as a separate utility. The Kword documentation says nothing about it. Are they interconnected? Is the Kivio frame embedded in the Kword document? Can I treat the Kivio frame like a graphic and flow text around it?

2) How can I add a stencil set? Or failing that, how can I modify the stencils in an existing set?

3) The Kivio documentation says I can drag guides from the rulers. But the left ruler does not work; I can drag a guide only from the top ruler.

Thanks in advance for answers. And if there is better documentation than the Help files, please tell me where it is.