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Monday, January 23rd 2006, 6:54pm

KDE broken -- Help!


I am using Mandriva 10.2..

I had some odd problems in the past, like uninstalling ALSA drivers using "rpm -e" (I re-added them by compiling the source), resulted in me losing the rpm command altogether! (that got uninstalled too!) This is with kernel 2.6.15. I since "repaired" my RPM command and database, or so I thought.

Anyway, I recently upgraded to the new OpenOffice (2.1?) using the usual rpm -Uvh *
from the folder where I downloaded all its files. I also went into desktop integration folder
and did an rpm -Uvh mandriva-whatever it was called.

At the very next reboot and startx, I found that KDE has lost all the items that appear after you hit the MENU buttom at the bottom of the screen -- all items, except the openoffice items! Those still exist :(

My desktop items are still there, and my associations are gone. For example, when you double click the HOME icon, it asks me "open with...", to which I type "konqueror" and select the REMEMBER APPLICATION ASSOCIATION -- but it is ignored right away.

I tried a chown myusername:myusername -R .kde/*, but it did not help.

Any ideas on how to re-establish the associations, and how to re-create the MENU items?

Many thanks!

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "tkalfaoglu" (Jan 23rd 2006, 7:00pm)