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Friday, January 20th 2006, 2:30pm

[kopete] no smileys

Hi All,

I just installed Kopete 0.10.3 over KDE 3.3.2 fropm the source. Everything went all-right, but right now, I don't have any smileys. In the configuration window, no theme is installed. I then went on, downloaded a few themes, and yet, everytime I try to add a theme (by selecting the "emoticons.xml" file), Kopete crashes.

here are the last lines from the consol :


KStandardDirs: The resource type emoticons is not registered
libkopete: WARNING: [virtual Kopete::PluginManager::~PluginManager()] Destructing plugin manager without going through the shutdown process! Backtrace is:
libkopete: [
0: /usr/lib/ [0x40e68505]
1: /usr/lib/ [0x40e6888b]
2: /usr/lib/ [0x400b70aa]
3: /usr/lib/ [0x400bc88f]
4: /lib/tls/ [0x41c4b426]
5: /usr/lib/ [0x400a0580]
6: /usr/lib/ [0x40146926]
7: /lib/ [0x4000c5e6]
8: /lib/tls/ [0x41c4b192]
9: /usr/lib/ [0x415d274a]
10: /usr/lib/ [0x40e8db3a]
11: /usr/lib/ [0x40e91441]
12: /usr/lib/ [0x40e913a0]
13: /usr/lib/ [0x4010dbdd]
14: /usr/lib/kde3/ [0x43e9211d]
15: /usr/lib/kde3/ [0x43e92737]
16: /usr/lib/ [0x4131871c]
17: /usr/lib/ [0x41318544]
18: /usr/lib/ [0x4165e82e]
19: /usr/lib/ [0x413aaf94]
20: /usr/lib/ [0x4134eb37]
21: /usr/lib/ [0x412bbe1f]
22: /usr/lib/ [0x412bb514]
23: /usr/lib/ [0x40e51ec3]
24: /usr/lib/ [0x412505b0]
25: /usr/lib/ [0x4124e23e]
26: /usr/lib/ [0x41265254]
27: /usr/lib/ [0x412ce1d8]
28: /usr/lib/ [0x412ce088]
29: /usr/lib/ [0x412bc071]
30: kopete(_ZN7QWidget22windowActivationChangeEb+0x749) [0x806f18d]
31: /lib/tls/ [0x41c35974]
32: kopete(_ZN6QFrame10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent+0x4d) [0x806eb01]
libkopete: WARNING: [virtual Kopete::PluginManager::~PluginManager()] Deleting stale plugin 'unnamed'
libkopete: WARNING: [virtual Kopete::PluginManager::~PluginManager()] Deleting stale plugin 'unnamed'
libkopete: WARNING: [virtual Kopete::Protocol::~Protocol()] Deleting protocol with existing accounts! Did the account unloading go wrong?

Does anybody have an idea? did I forget to install a library (knowing that ./configure didn't print any WARNING)?

Thanx for your help


Friday, January 20th 2006, 2:50pm

okay, I should search a little longer before posting :

here is the thread

Apparently, this is a problem for KDE 3.3.2 and kopete 0.10.*


Thursday, January 26th 2006, 7:50pm

RE: [kopete] no smileys

I don't think it's the same issue. The other thread is not about a crash.
I have this same problem...