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Wednesday, January 11th 2006, 9:49pm

how to turn off bitmap copy in klipper?

While working in Impress (presentation) on Linux, I often want to cut and paste text from one slide to another, or between an html editor and OOo. After KDE 3.4 (I believe; I'm now running 3.5 under Debian sid), klipper started copying the bitmaps instead of the text. It drives me batty. It's usually possible to work around it and get a text copy, but the bitmap is the most common format chosen.

It may be that this is not klipper's deed at all; come to think of it it's likely just getting the bitmap from OOo and can't help it. Or am I wrong and it's turning a formatted text into a bitmap in order to be helpful and preserve the formatting?

I routinely use klipper to strip formatting from text to get a plain raw text. So is this klipper's deed, and can I tell it to stop, or is it controlled in OOo?

Appreciate any help on this!



Thursday, January 19th 2006, 7:05am

RE: how to turn off bitmap copy in klipper?

Is nobody else seeing this? It's a new feature, either of KDE 3.4/3.5 or OOo 2.0, or both.


Friday, January 27th 2006, 3:17am

RE: how to turn off bitmap copy in klipper?

Could someone please give me a hint on this? Bitmap copy in klipper drives me up the wall and serves no useful function. When was this implemented and how can I turn it off? Was there a discussion about adding the feature? What version of klipper first introduced it? Please give me a lead.
