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  • "crook" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Poland

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Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 8:40pm

[superkaramba]themes problem

On SuperKaramba's site there is a tutorial describing creating masks. They've written:


Make the background black and draw in white where your widget should show up
I tried to make my mask using this description but it wasn't good. Only when I exchanged colors(black where the widget should be and white where it should be transparent) it was good. Why? Did I do something wrong or their description was bad?

My next question is about that(3.3). I'm using Fluxbox, so what should I use to change my background to make widgets transparent?


Monday, January 16th 2006, 8:28pm

I will verify this soon, but I do know that masks do still work since in our examples directory, the globalMouse example masks the eyes. The widget is not a rectangle shape, only inside the graphics is it a SK theme.