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  • "sargek" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Texas

Occupation: Developer

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Sunday, December 25th 2005, 9:06pm

FIXED --> deKorator

I recently made the switch to KDE after about 7 years of Gnome use. I am trying to find some windec/widget/icon themes I like and keep reading about "deKorator". What is this? I have read one post saying it is a theme engine, which makes sense, but I haven't been able to find any other information about it. I am not hung on using deKorator, but I've seen some nice windecs for it - if something else is available, that's fine too.

I really do not like the "standard" KDE windecs - they look too cartoonish for me, and would like something a little less garish. I have checked out and found a couple of nice things, but most of it I don't like. Maybe I'm too hung up on GTK! I really love the usability of KDE, just not too thrilled about the visuals, but I am willing to tweak it. Thanks in advance.


Figured deKorator out - neede to install KDE devel to be able to compile and install the engine, then made a ~/.themes dir and put the deKorator themes in it. Chose deKorator as a windec and pointed the different paths to the appropriate windec. A little cludgy, and perhaps I am doing something wrong, but it works. I am just happy to not have any "crystal" looking blue crap all over. Getting better by the day...:)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "sargek" (Dec 26th 2005, 3:59am)