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Monday, December 19th 2005, 2:28am

Kde 3.5 & Kdm

I'm having a difficult time installing new KDM themes that I downloaded from

[NOTE: I'm using a friends computer since I don't have internet on the computer in question. My paths may be mistyped here - I'm working from memory - but they are the correct ones on the machine]

I'm running a default install of SuSE 9.1 with KDE 3.5 that I updated through Yast.

Previously, I had KDE 3.2 and the themerc file didn't exsist, so I created it manually, but it still didn't work. After the upgrade /opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/themerc was installed and well-commented. I uncommented the line UseTheme=true and changed the Theme=[ my absolute path to theme ] I also tried changing it to the xml file with no luck.

There was another theme called "circles" that was installed by default and I tried to specify that one in the themerc file, but still no go. The new theme is unzipped into the parent directory of "circles" (/opt/kde3/share/apps/kdm/themes).

Each time to test, I logged out of KDE and then CTRL+ALT+BKSPACE to restart the login manager. I also restarted a few times with the same results.

When I edit the /opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/themerc file, the /etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/themerc file is automatically changed.

I tried to use the KDM Theme Manager and I don't have options to load a new theme. I changed the Logo and Background just to test it, and the background stayed the same but the logo changed.

This may or may not be related: I tried to compile ksmoothdock and baghira, and they both quit with and error that said something along the lines of "X includes not found, please update path and try again"

Any ideas?


Monday, December 19th 2005, 3:05pm

I fixed it.

I noticed when I changed the welcome text through the KDM Manager, it didn't show up in the themerc file I was editing but the changes showed up in the login manager. For some reason (maybe it's supposed to be like this) the file that KDM reads is /etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/themrc not the file I was messing with. I changed that one and viola! it works!