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Sunday, December 18th 2005, 10:03pm

Windows Explorer Replacement?

Hey all. My windows explorer, (not internet explorer, but the part of windows that does the taskbar, file browsing, etc) has been acting up lately. I would like to know if there is a way to replace explorer with something else, while not replacing the whole XP operating system. I have used Gnome and KDE, and love the look and feel. I myself use Linux alot, but this is my gaming rig, and its the only one with windows in the whole house :)

So I basically just am looking for like a Gnome or KDE or similair something to replace Explorer.

Thanks all,

P.S. I didn't know what area of the forum to post in :P


Wednesday, December 21st 2005, 8:42am

Source code

I didn't know what area of the forum to post in

Perhaps in a Windows XP forum ?!!!!

I don't believe that you can replace parts of the XP system - but there are probably additional apps that you can add to your system. You might google around for them, I don't think that you're in the right forum with your question :evil: