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updating KDE
Debian , 2.6
1. How do I upgrade my KDE (3.4) to 3.5 with debian testing ?
2. Suddenly I'm asked to give a password while configuring my printer through wallet , what is that wallet ? how can I remove it ? I don't remember I have ever config a password to it.
2. Wallet is a system to store all your passwords in one place. For more information go to Help (khelpcenter) -> "Control Center Modules" -> "KDE Wallet". You can configure KWallet in the control center... Control Center (kcontrol) -> "Security & Privacy" -> KDE Wallet.
Good Luck.
kde wallet
Looking at
Control Center (kcontrol) -> "Security & Privacy" , I do not see any KDE Wallet , I never installed the Wallet manager . It asks me for identification only when I'm trying to confgure my printer.
Is it a bug ? should I install the walletmanager and then close it ?