Can I modify the [x,y]positions of the desktop icons in any way (file, of other)?
I'm making a script that will allow me to have more than one collection of icons on a desktop.
I have made folders in my home directory, named "Desktop1", "Desktop2", "Desktop3", etc, and I also have the usual "Desktop" folder as the real desktop so to speak.
The scripts works by moving "Desktop${variable}"'s contents into the "Desktop" folder.
Source code
Y=`cat ~/commands/desktop.conf`
mv --reply=yes ~/Desktop/* ~/Desktop${Y}
mv --reply=yes ~/Desktop${X}/* ~/Desktop
echo $X > ~/commands/desktop.conf
X is the Desktop I want to switch to (in this case desktop nr 2).
Y is the current/active Desktop (that needs to be removed), which it gets from a file.
When I tested my script it did move the icons as I wanted.
However, the positions of the icons do not get saved between transitions.
For example, if I change from Desktop1 to Desktop2, and then back again, the icon positions are not how they used to be like before the transition.