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  • "skwattrinated" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Venice - Italy

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Saturday, October 15th 2005, 8:33pm

Installing Polymer Theme... ???

Hi everybody.

I realize that my question is, perhaps, quite stupid, but I'm new to Linux and I need some help. I searched the net a lot for my problem, but I did not find the answer.

I downloaded from kde-look the Polymer theme in .rpm format for my distribution (Suse 9.3), I installed it as root but now I don't now how to use the theme itself...
I had a look to the filed installed on my system, I tried to use the Theme Manager in the Control Center with 'Install New Theme...' and then going to /opt/kde3/share/apps/kstyle/themes/polymer.themerc, but it doesn't see this file.

What do I have to do?

Thank you!!!
Skwattrinated ma felice!


Saturday, October 15th 2005, 10:57pm

I *think* based on the polymer article on kde-look ( that polymer is a window decoration and a style, not a theme. This means that to use it you must select it in the Control Center from Appearance & Themes -> Style and Appearance & Themes -> Window Decorations.

Good Luck.

  • "skwattrinated" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Venice - Italy

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Sunday, October 16th 2005, 12:02pm

Thank you, bozy!
You where right... that is not a real theme but a window style.
Skwattrinated ma felice!