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  • "scottk88" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: madison ohio

Occupation: computer forensics/network security

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Thursday, October 6th 2005, 3:33pm

KMENU - picture on left side? how to change??

On KDE, the KMENU has a display on the left side, which says KDE and then the version number, mine specifically is KDE 3.4

it displays the KDE gear, and some striped lines going left and right......

i was wondering if it is possible to change this graphic?
if i even have to make something that exact size, id be fine with that, its just that i hate the way it clashes with everything else i have displayed.

thank you in advance



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Location: Graz, Austria

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Thursday, October 6th 2005, 5:13pm

It is called kside.png
in the pics subdirectory or kickers application data

kde-config --path data
for a list of application data directories

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