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Friday, September 23rd 2005, 8:38pm

Trouble installing software - (library qt-mt) not found.

I've already taken a look at some topics and have solved some problems, but I keep running into one after another, so I'm thinking it might be something more fundamental.

I just installed SuSE 9.3 64 bit and I'm using KDE for the first time (I've always used gnome before) So I'm trying to do something as simple as install window-decorations to make it look a bit better.

So I download a package and I tarball it.

I CD to the directory and I ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3
So it goes along fine until it starts looking for QT, when it says:

checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.1 (20021021)) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!
For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!

I found a fix here by typing ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3 --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3 --with-qt-includes=/usr/lib/qt3/include --with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib/qt3/lib64 --enable-libsuffix=64

So it says it went fine, now make. So I make, and every single line is an error, so I'm taking that to mean the configure didn't really work.

If I'm having this much trouble installing a window theme, I can't imagine what kind of trouble I'd have installing something more complex!

I'm also having trouble installing some RPMs, such as this one: Link

You'd think that it would install just fine via YaST since it's an RPM. So I right click, go to install via YaST, and it just when it gets through reading the package, YaST closes. I've experienced this with a couple other RPMs as well.

Can someone please tell me if I'm missing critical packages or have to configure my installs a certain way for my 64 bit machine?