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Wednesday, September 21st 2005, 4:44am

Themes confusion

Using Mandrake 10.0
Figured out adding fonts yesterday, but themes are giving me trouble.

Went to kde themes page but completely lost about:

1. What are levels?
2. I installed one .tar.gz theme from a 3rd party site and it installed fine, but from kde, it was also a .tar.gz file but error message - this file is not a valid icon archive
3. notice that icons are in a separate link. does this mean they are included in the themes, but can be d/loded by themselves?
4. Some .tar.gz files work by left click, some by right>"save target as". Why?
5. Many download links are broken
6. Are all theme files going to be .tar.gz?

Page layouts are very confusing + too many links

Any help?