I try to find an easy way to get the online status of my contact through dcop but i didnt find so far.
I have
dcop kopete default onlineContacts
which gives me online contacts but not if they are away or anything
dcop kopete default contactsStatus
which gives me the proper status online or away BUT
1/ the status is localised which makes it difficult to use in scripts
2/ some contacts are named by their identifier not by their proper
name@server.tld and the identifier doesnt seem to work with messageContact
onlineStatus doesnt seem to work with either the identifier or the proper complete name, which work in messageContact, yet both function says:
void messageContact(QString contactId,QString messageText)
QString onlineStatus(QString metaContactId)
but i get Unknown Contact with
dcop kopete default onlineStatus
Anyone knows better, has some insight or see my mistake?