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Tuesday, August 23rd 2005, 7:47pm

Ksim executable missing

Hi. On FC2, Debian sarge, Gentoo, I've got parts of Ksim, but no binary file. On FC1 the binary file is in /usr/bin, and Ksim works just fine. On FC2 I had to intall the tar.gz of Ksim, and the same on Debian to get it to work. In FC2 and Debian some Ksim files exist in /usr/share and /usr/share/applications. Normally I can just click on items in /usr/share applications and they'll open on the desktop. Trying this in FC2, Debian, or Gentoo just brings up a dialog box saying.
"The desktop entry
file /usr/kde/3.4/share/applications/kde/ksim.desktop has no Type=...entry."
This was from the Gentoo install.
I'd install the tar.gz on Gentoo, but it was complaining about KDE headers being missing. I'd rather have it working as part of the KDEutils package. Synaptic on Debian confirms that Ksim is installed, but there is no binary file. Tried reinstalling it on Debian, but no change. Anyone know of a fix for this, and whats happened to the binary file during the install? Ksims is a really usefull app. In my case for monitoring traffic on eth0. All suggestions really welcome. Nigel.