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Tuesday, August 16th 2005, 9:10am

kmail indexes messed up


I have just over 6000 emails in my "Read" folder, but kmail only shows 12. It used to show all of them, but it's suddenly now only showing the ones from today. I have checked the folder and the other 6000 have not been deleted. It seems to me that whatever method kmail uses of indexing the list of emails has messed up. But I don't actually know what's wrong or how to fix it.

Any ideas?



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Tuesday, August 16th 2005, 6:38pm

RE: kmail indexes messed up

wow, same thing happened to me today to!
i have two subfolders in inbox, one of them was untouched, the other one's index file got recreated and a new (additional) folder was created... i copied all of my mail manually to the new directory (that is named in the form - where name is the original folder), but the index files do not get recreated, ergo the mails are still lost X(
what can i do, to recreate the index file? this is very important!
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