I've been playing with Kspread 1.4 recently and I noticed three 'details' I find a lil bit annoying.
1. Opening a new spread sheet, I type a single word in a cell then increase the size of the font up to, say 24. The row height does not adjust automatically to the font size which makes it look really bad. Double clicking on the left (over the number of the row) does adjust the height but it requires one manual operation from the user.
Tested on Ooo Calc, Gnumeric and Excel : they do adjust the height automatically.
2. Let's say I want to make a numerical list from 1 to 999 and I want the format of the numbers to be 001, 002... 010, 011... 100, 101, 101, etc.
Most spreadsheet applications can do that using the custom cell format (tested successfully on Excel, Ooo Calc, Gnumeric).
In Cell format/Date format, the option 'custom' remains in grey and is unusable (don't know if it's supposed to be 'normal'). The list of formats for the numbers is empty (the rectangle on the right). Prefix and postfix don't help much for my problem.
Maybe I'm missing something here and it's possible or my Kspread is someohow 'broken' (the custom option may be not acting the way it should).
3. By default, there are three sheets (sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3), for some reason the horizontal slider is shifted to the right leaving a large empty space between the last tab 'Sheet 3' and the arrow pointing to the left. Strangely, it's not possible to resize that space and the left arrow of the horizontal slider cannot be moved.
My system is a kubuntu 5.04 running kde 3.4.1, Koffice 1.4 and kspread package is
Feel free to comment if I missed something and one of my points is wrong.
Thank you.