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Non-KDE application fonts
I am running KDE 3.4.1 on Fedora Core 4; this is the installation as delivered via the installation CDs and yum. I go into the KDE control center and adjust my fonts. The result is that these adjustments affect my desktop and KDE applications but have no affect on non-KDE apps like Eclipse. If I do the equivalent operation in Gnome then Eclipse runs with altered fonts and my desktop looks uniform.
I've looked in the documentation and on the web and there are references to a checkbox the says KDE fonts should apply to non-KDE applications. When I look in the control center there is no such box. Am I missing something here? Is this a known bug? If so, is there a workaround?
Thanx in advance for any help - Allan Clearwaters
RE: Non-KDE application fonts
I was also looking how to change fonts in non-kde applications
that use GTK.
This helped me:
You have to install those packages:
gtk-qt-engine, gtk-clearlooks and gtk-chtheme.
You can get them here:
These packages create a new item "GTK Styles and Fonts" in the ControlCenter of KDE.
There you can set the right options.
After restarting, fonts in firefox and eclipse look fine.