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  • "AskKrabbe" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Dortmund/Germany

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Monday, July 18th 2005, 8:22am

Call an external editor on a text URL

I want to call an external editor (GVIM) on text mime content. When I do this from file URLs anything works fine. But when I call WEB URLs, for example

gvim is started with a krun cache file (/var/tmp/kdecache-"$USER"/krun)

How can I change this behaviour ?



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

Occupation: Software Developer

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Monday, July 18th 2005, 10:46am

If a program can handle URLs itself, you tell KDE (and other desktop environments) about this by adding either %u or %U to the commands parameter list.

%u tells the KDE launcher that the program can handle an URL, and puts the URL at that position when running the program.

%U is almost the same but says the program can handle lists of URLs.

Usually the programs .desktop file, which is used to build the application menu, already contains this information, so when for example creating a new file association and choosing the program for the displayed application tree, this is used automatically.

But sometimes the packages of certain programs have brokne .desktop files and miss that important parameter.

Qt/KDE Developer
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  • "AskKrabbe" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Dortmund/Germany

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Monday, July 18th 2005, 10:57am

Those %(CHAR) sequences

Is there any documentation about the usage of those %(CHAR) sequences ?




Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

Occupation: Software Developer

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Friday, July 22nd 2005, 1:35pm

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User