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  • "raghu" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: India

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Wednesday, June 8th 2005, 11:20am

custom coded app in KDE menu

Hello all,

I am involved in a project to port a MS .Net app to Linux with KDE as the desktop choice. The app is called PCTVT because it bundles the usability of a PC, Telephone and Tv into a single package to be deployed in villages/towns/districts in India. The app is custom made in MS .Net for the technically challenged and is voice driven.The present and rather urgent requirement is that the app should appear either as menu item in KDE or as a small desktop (like xfce) by itself.I understand that QT is the dominant platform in KDE and I feel the app should somehow be converted to QT .I googled for a .Net to QT code converter (asking for too much!) but no luck. Can somebody enlighten me as to how to go about it ?

This is my first post in the KDE-forum.Please indicate if this is the correct forum to post queries like the one above.

Thanks and regards,



Wednesday, June 8th 2005, 12:24pm

I don't think a .net to Qt converter exists.

For adding your application in the "start" menu of kde or gnome, I think you need to use .desktop files:…_2dentry_2dspec