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Monday, May 23rd 2005, 11:25pm

strange KDE behaviour after lock up

I have a Mandrake 10.1 system that locked up over the weekend. When I left on Friday the screen saver was running. When I came in Monday
I tried to unlock the screen. I typed in my passwd, but nothing at all
happened. It just sat there with the unlock passwd dialog box up. I was
able to telnet in from another box and reboot. It came back up and I
logged in, and now I get the default kde background, no kicker, no icons,
no windows, and I can't get any menus. If I telnet in from another box I
see many kde related processes running, and additionally I see a bunch
of xterms running, but they're not displayed on my kde screen.

Anyone have any ideas about what might have happened and what I can
do to fix it?
