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Monday, May 9th 2005, 3:19am

Konsole Macros

How do I set Konsole (or KDE) such that when I press F9 (or some key combo that I define) in Konsole, it will
  1. transmit the string "su -" followed by ENTER
  2. wait for the string "Password:"
  3. transmit the password followed by ENTER

Posts: 62

Location: Long Beach, California

Occupation: Documentation

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Tuesday, March 14th 2006, 9:13pm

RE: Konsole Macros

A good place to get started is the program "expect". You can also setup a shortcut and set it to run as root:

1. Create a link to an application
2. In the dialog box, select Application > Advanced options, and in the User section select run as a different user and type "root" into the box.
You will have to type a password the first time. Select the check box below the password to save the password, and you are set.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "aaronforjesus" (Mar 14th 2006, 9:15pm)