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  • "nandz" started this thread

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Sunday, April 17th 2005, 7:42pm

System sounds without aRts


I want to switch off aRts (because the dmix plugin in ALSA does all the software mixing of sound streams) - and still be able to get all the KDE sounds (login, logout, new mail notification, etc)

Is this possible?




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Location: Graz, Austria

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Monday, April 18th 2005, 2:25pm

I think you can set an external player for that.

But if you have mixing enabled through dmix, why not run aRts as one of the sound applications.
aRts is only party a sound server, its main job is to decode audio data and write it to the sound device.

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  • "nandz" started this thread

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Monday, April 18th 2005, 2:37pm


Originally posted by anda_skoa
I think you can set an external player for that.

That would mean manually setting an external player for each and every KDE app that produces sound!


But if you have mixing enabled through dmix, why not run aRts as one of the sound applications.
aRts is only party a sound server, its main job is to decode audio data and write it to the sound device.

But that would mean for KDE apps there will be two levels of s/w mixing - one through aRts and the other through dmix/ALSA. Also, why would I want to have an application using my resourced when I can do without it.




Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Monday, April 18th 2005, 3:00pm


Originally posted by nandz
That would mean manually setting an external player for each and every KDE app that produces sound!

I think you where talking about notifications sounds.
Those are handled by KNotify, not the applications themselves.


But that would mean for KDE apps there will be two levels of s/w mixing - one through aRts and the other through dmix/ALSA. Also, why would I want to have an application using my resourced when I can do without it.

True, you won't use an addtional sound server when you have hardware or driver level mixing, but as I wrote before aRts is a sound system, it generates sound for KDE applications, it provides mixing as an addon.

If you can do without sound in KDE applications, of course by all means remove unncessary processes which are sound related.

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