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Sunday, April 17th 2005, 3:39pm

[SOLVED] KIO::get Segmentation fault


I try to create a TransferJob with KIO::get(KURL(myurl))
But whenever the "get" method is called the programm segfaults.

I figured out that it really depends on this line (KIO::get(KURL(myurl))) but I was not able to understand why...

does anyone have any information for me what might be wrong or how I can track this down?

thx in advance

//EDIT: just tryed following code from the official kde kio api:
does also segfault :(

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "hephaistos6" (Apr 17th 2005, 9:24pm)


Sunday, April 17th 2005, 9:24pm

the problem was that I did not use this code within a KApplication.
so: just use KApplication and everything works fine :)
