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Thursday, April 7th 2005, 12:07pm

Stretching icons

Is it possible to stretch icons on the desktop as it is possible to do with gnome? I thought it wasn't but I saw something about it. Do someone know it?


Sunday, April 17th 2005, 4:53pm

I know that you can make them larger but I don't know that you can stretch them like in gnome. If you go to kcontrol and select appearance and themes, icon, then click the advanced tab and you can select different sizes for the icons on your desktop and other places. Hope this helps.


Sunday, April 17th 2005, 5:17pm

Yes, I know this is possible, but this will make every desktop icon larger. I wondered whether it was possible to stretch only a particular icon on the desktop just like you can do with gnome.
Thanks anyway.