I compiled and installed KDE 3.4 in my home directory on a RedHat box on a university network, which has KDE 3.1 installed.
It works fine, but the problem is that KDE 3.4 somehow includes all the settings from the preinstalled KDE, thereby filling up the K menu with loads of KDE and non-KDE stuff that I don't need.
Even more annoyingly, it includes a broken Cervisia button on the Konqueror toolbar and a broken Cervisia item in folder context menus. And I haven't even installed kdesdk.
enu items in the menu editor, but how do I get rid of the old Cervisia stuff?
Or even better, how can I stop KDE from including old configurations?
I already tried deleting .kde, .kderc, .qt, /tmp/* and /var/tmp*. I've set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH such that the KDE 3.4 installation is found first, and KDEDIR is pointing to the correct directory.