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Tuesday, September 21st 2010, 11:26pm

Search in KDE

Is there any way in KDE 4.51 (which is what I am using now) to just index file names and watch for changes, (Best example is "everything search tool" for windows), instead of indexing the contents. Can strigi be configured to just index the file names instead of contents. It is taking very long to index my 2.5 TB hard disk for strigi and it is eventually not indexing many extensions (which is how it is configured by default), What I want to know is whether I have a chance to configure it in such a way that it indexes all files ( no excluding whether small or large or tmp files) but just file names, not the content.

I have seen much worst results than what I expected when I have a folder containing two pdf files named 3100.pdf and 3300.pdf. When I open it in dolphin and search for the string '3100', surprisingly it shows 3300.pdf, since 3300.pdf has 3100 in a line in it's content, but it does not show the file 3100.pdf in results although it directly contains the string.

Someone please help me in sorting this out.