Oh! Okay, so dragging between groups and to the taskbar to make a new one. One problem I foresee with freely dragging between app groups is misplacing windows in group composed primarily of one application. There needs to be a way to differentiate mixed versus single app groups. Also, instancing behavior would have to change between these two types of groups.
This second one is a bit too technical for me
I appreciate that you're thinking about implementation, normally I would too, except that I don't know enough about the plasma api. I sort-of get what you mean.
I can see the | min | max | close | in the right corner, but putting cascade and tile there might confuse people. Maybe on the bottom right? I'm also not sure if Kwin4 has those features built in yet... I'm not sure how often people will be using the
| min | max | close | though, and maybe they would be better off in the context menu? Whether its default or not, I think it should be an option, because it could be very useful.
For the minimizing and restoring, I was thinking that double clicking on the task might do this (single clicking doing only the most recent) This would take less adjusting to use, but would take away the locking feature... so how else might that be implemented, or is it necessary?
Enlarging the thumbnail? Maybe slightly for emphasis, but I was thinking peek would serve this purpose, and an overly enlarged thumbnail might get in the way... something to think about...
And I know that closing would be possible, I was just wondering about getting the close button from Kwin and putting it slightly enlarged in the corner of each thumbnail (or maybe just on hover).
The main place I'm have this posted is here
http://forum.kde.org/showthread.php?tid=15259 because the forum is more active.