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Saturday, October 11th 2008, 11:44am

Switch desktop when scrolling at the edge of the screen

Title says it all!

It's fairly simple but useful and should not be too hard to implement
@ Window behavior -> Advanced - under "Active desktop borders" I'd like there to be a check box titled "switch desktop when scrolling at desktop border" The delay function is fine but I switch desktop by mistake too often and that's kind of annoying. And switch when scrolling on desktop isn't enough since I run most of my windows maximized.

EDIT: I've found a somewhat acceptable workaround/solution, I simply added a Desktop preview and put it in the left corner, scrolling on this switches desktop.

btw, is this the right place for ideas/suggestions?

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "RytmenPinnen" (Oct 12th 2008, 7:50pm)

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